March 17 – We will welcome to our pulpit for the first time the Rev. Denise Tracy. Rev. Tracy was ordained in 1974 and has been a campus minister, a parish minister, a district executive, a church consultant and an interim minister. She has returned to church consulting and now is a partner of Insight Facilitators, based in Elgin, Ill. Her topic will be “The Importance of Little Things,” related to our principle of the month. The service begins at 10:30am. Children’s Religious Education and Childcare are available. Potluck to follow service.
Gathering to Give will meet again after the March pot luck luncheon to select another borrower to assist. Anyone can help! The idea is that when many people each give a little, together we can give a lot. Make any donations through Hopedale, earmarked for Kiva. Immediately after the GtG discussion the Social Justice Committee will meet to review responses from U.S. lawmakers concerning gun legislation.