We are a Unitarian Universalist Congregation including people of a variety of ages, beliefs and backgrounds. Together, we are a Green Sanctuary and work toward a vision of a healthier, more sustainable future. We have been a Welcoming Congregation for more than 20 years.

We offer both in-person services AND a Zoom option for those who prefer to attend this way. If you would like the Zoom link, please send an email to huucoffice@gmail.com along with your name.

Please see our Calendar for updated information.

To read about our in-person gathering guidelines, see our explanation & chart.

Next Service

Sunday Service: Thinking Together in a Divided World

When we make decisions about what to do and how to act in the world, we often draw on what we know and seek knowledge in order to make informed decisions.  More and more, however, it seems that what one person thinks they know, another person will claim is “fake” and not really knowledge at … Continued