
Sunday Service January 29

“We’re All in This Together.”  Universalism teaches that we are interdependent creatures. The US Constitution states our commitment to “promote the general welfare.” Our culture has turned its back on the principle of sharing our abundance and replaced it with excessive capitalism which benefits some at the expense of others. How are we called, as … Continued

Service This Sunday, November 27

November 27 “Creating Messages of Gratitude” In what do you place your trust? What sustains you in difficult times? What are you most thankful for in life? This experiential service, created by our Student Minister and based on a spiritual exercise by the Rev. Lisa Ward, will offer you the chance to compose a message of … Continued

Service This Sunday, November 6

November 6 “Herding Turtles.” In the midst of a lengthy meandering Board meeting Alan Miller, who was president of the congregation at the time, remarked, “Organizing Unitarian Universalists is like herding turtles.” This Sunday the Reverend Chris Buice, who was ordained by this congregation and who served us as student minister from 1995-98, will return to … Continued

Sunday Service, October 2

October 2-”Judgment, Repentance, Atonement.” Judgment, repentance and atonement are not terms we Unitarian Universalists often say. In this week between the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we’ll examine how acknowledging our failings and offering forgiveness to ourselves and others can help us become more at peace with the world. A time of … Continued

This Sunday, August 28, at Hopedale.

August 28-“Gathering of the Waters.” As part of our annual end-of-summer ingathering service, you are invited to BRING SOME WATER WITH YOU from a source that has special meaning in your life. We will share our stories and pour our water together in a ritual symbolizing our interdependence and bond as a spiritual community. Please … Continued

This Sunday at Hopedale, August 21

August 21-“Naming and Claiming Our Faith.” During a 1992 vice-presidential debate, Admiral James Stockdale famously asked “Who am I? Why am I here?” He got a lot of heat for seeming to not know what he was doing. But in fact, do any of us really know for sure? For his first service and sermon … Continued

• Bruce Beisner Comes to Hopedale

At its July 2011 meeting, the Hopedale Board accepted the recommendation of the Ministerial Search Committee and voted to offer a half-time, student minister position to R. Bruce Beisner. He has since accepted the position and the contract negotiations have been completed. Bruce Beisner is in his final year at the Meadville-Lombard Theological School and … Continued